Feb 13, 2008

Love and 8 Day.

>The Valentine’s day of 2008.and I don’t have a date. (What a newsflash) actually its quite a wannabe sentence to put on the public domain but fak it neways. Amazingly I haven’t celebrated this awesome affection display day. Even when last year I had a date.But my love life has always been like a UPA government. Either a coalition alliance or convenience arrangement. Though I must confess that they have been more stable than the unconditional love thing because people are so sold out on “conditions apply” and skeptical of everything so I believe it’s a waste to be unconditional in relationships coz nobody no longer appreciates it.

So as to not to digress from the topic Mr. Thakrey got arrested ,Curfew in Pune and still I am sure the campus will be colored red with LOUVE. When love is in the air its best to stay indoors or you’ll have nausea. This too much emotion and love thing kinda make me sick and worse this whole concept of celebration of louve as if the concept and the follow up of the concept wasn’t a self-torture in itself. I think people celebrate it coz they want to reward themselves for taking such risk in life. ya may be that can justify the overhappiness. Talking about staying indoors I prefer getting soaked in alcohol rather than roaming on FC road with a red balloon. So I guess POA for tomorrow will be a quiet evening with BUD`wiser. I am actually amused with the suffix in the name. Don’t you think its better than being “Hay-ward” or Jin-Garo.

>My “random friend” is going out with some of her old buddy. This ‘theory of randomness is very interesting.(leave that for some drunken writing later.)Yesterday she wrecked her brain in figuring out why she hangs out with me. I don’t fits in her definition of coolness, I ain`t have cool friends either. She goes to Europe for holidaying and I go to Jim Corbit. She shops at Mango me still at Benetton sale. I don’t think that’s got to do with randomness but yup its true that there’s hardly anything which is common but I am still fond of her. Its funny how one became fond of other people even when you don’t have to do anything with the other. This fondness is very deceptive also sometime you don`t happen to read you own emotions well fak hell neways I hope my BUD will make me wiser one day.

>Today is the formal end of me at the Corporate Communications. Truthfully the only thing I really cared for in past 2 years at this place. Sure I could have done better no doubt about that it could have gone on a fast track and actually I don’t have plausible excuses to actually explain the situation. But still it was fun ..those 11th hour PPT`s ,finding matching soundtracks for those PPT`s and fixing the master slides. Of course there had been bulletins, magazines and editorials. Will I miss it ..Yes I would but somewhere I feel I would not like to do it again. My creative appetite has been reasonable satiated with the stint and personally I feel a little moved on from the normal chores of the committee. But sure it was fun and I thank all who made the whole experience satisfying.

Last nite it was a committee farewell day .All the people were out drinking and eating. Rejoicing the days spent reliving the moments. Before the nostalgia came it was quite a mayhem


Nefertiti said...

Awesome!!!! Now u may turn up ur nose at Valentine's Day, but let's see if u react the same way once u r one of those idiotic people on FC road with the balloons :)
But hopefully u had a gr8 V day withur buddies and Budwiser. n all the best with ur "random friend".
Corpcom will surely miss u!
Keep writing n hppy Valentines day