Mar 20, 2008

Being Fooled by Randomness..end of the story

Another very personal post.
I guess discussing personal life at public domain kinda gives a making out in public or jus normal PDA.Anyways its not a happy post.As I had said earlier about the story of randomness in my life I guess this is the epilogue.
Sometimes you wish to hang on to the relationships.Its funny why would I even try to do that considering I am not even ready for One but anyways i guess its over and done between my random friend.After lots of after thought status of my relationship stands at being the best friend at this place.So this location alliance was to come to an end.The tenure at the place is over so I need something more than randomness than to hold on to.when we became happy with status quo and where status quo is as bleak as black than its better to wipe it off and start afreash someplace else.
People say that I could have done better for myself but i disagree.It was a choice i had made so good or better I am what i choose for.And I do not have any regrets of the whole episode except certain drunk phonecalls.Alcohol can make a person feel sorry also more times than he should be.Anyways its always weird when one decides to leave something behind and move on.So are we still friends now..may be ..but i wont call her in the middle of the night if i need help.ya she is always welcome.


Clinton Rozario said...

"Random Friend"... OOhhh... That seems like a nickname ;)