Apr 8, 2008

In Slow Mo

Life in my gaon is quite slow. There is something in this place which just forces things to be so slow that it is unbelievable. From mornings to metabolism every things happens in slow mo. Eight years out of this place now one feels like a stranger at his own house. Life looks further complicated when you have to frame your ownership rights. What all you can own up and deliver and which responsibilities you still want to run away from. We always lament the problems. Some of them are ironically self manifested. Then we meet people more harassed by life from us and we’ll readily thank god. Ironical isn’t it. Like degree of our problems is also to be mentioned on relative index. This in other word means my problems are evaluated by the benchmarks set by other people. Strange world right.

No I am not really the guru in melancholy. And I do meet happy people too. I met aspiring politician, old friends, Masochistic dumped lover, Tax planning consultant but all that is too boring to describe.