Jul 13, 2008

Poker face

It’s the greatest game of the time
Can also be called as the fav actuary past time ( certified by Akash and tanay).but then nevatheless smething nu I learned so has right to be on the blog J
A 5-card poker game and specifically the Texas Holdem . This is now crazily played by the people in the UK and US, so every other night you switched on the TV, you will see 6 people playing against each other on this.
The game is basically like this 5 best from the 7 cards that you have and the order of the 5 cards are in the following sequence:

Defining S as Spade, D as Diamond, H as Heart and C as Clubs
Here is a sequence from the strongest hand to the weakest

1)Straight Flush (sequence, colored)
e.g. 6S 7S 8S 9S 10S

2) Four of a kind
e.g. 4S 4H 4C 4D 7S

3) Full House ( Trio and a pair)
e.g. 9S 9H 9C 3S 3D

4) Flush ( Coloured)
e.g. 5C 10C JC QC 2C

5) Sequence ( Straight)
5C 6H 7H 8D 9C

6) Three of a kind ( Trio)

7) Two Pairs
6S 6H KS K C 5D

8) One pair
7S 7C JC AH Qd

9) One Card High
KS JC 8H 7C 5S

Probably as you already know the sequence are just sorted in a way of probability, the hardest to get is ranked stronger……So all the actuaries and MBA finance , maybe you can work out those probabilities and don’t forget to let me know! There are a few websites where you can play Texas Holdem, where you can register and then you will be given 1million pounds……….play money. The registration is for free. The more you practice the better your skills will be rewarded ;)
