Aug 14, 2008

Running 62

Abhinav Bindra won India maiden Gold. Well I should be a proud Indian. To an extent I am .Its a moment in history for all of us. I wouldn’t like to whine and spoil the moment .Michael Phelps also has just won his 11th Gold. Which is 1 more than India has won (including the GR8 Hockey) in 107 years of Indian Olympic History.
So is 61 years of independence am I missing something.
Road from Chakala to Sakinaka is definitely looks 61 years old. So many buildings in the city are more than 61 years old. They are not heritage they are just Old and ready to collapse. Traffic was probably faster 61 years back. And of course there was more honesty and more warmth (lets not even get there.)So what is so special this year? India may be shining but there are massive powercuts. India may be rising so is the flood all across the country. India may be set for global takeover but ground realities are communal riots, bomb scares and gross political insensitivity.
So does my balance sheet have only liabilities and overdue loans? Or is there a silver lining.I may be a too realist. But when I move across the road and see lil kids begging I see no sun at the horizon. When I see people cramped like dead chickens in a local train it does not inflate my chest.
We Indians call ourselves a smarter race. IQ`s always 150+ GMAT scores 700+…but tell me one thing we Indians have achieved. No I am not talking about China winning most no. of golds. Or even Malaysia Building one of the tallest towers in the world. We are not even brazil producing 70% ethanol for the world. My questions are simple If we are so smart then why aren’t we so rich. If we are so good then why the labor productivity rates in the country are one of the lowest in the world. Or Human Index parameters don’t even apply here. The rickshaw rides of the country are categorized against the ostrich ride in South Africa. This may be funny about there is no other way to parallel our mode of public transport.
Don’t get me wrong. I am not been educated in Oxford nor even from IIT`s wishing to set up a venture in silicon valley. I am an average Indian who loves his country. Loves the fact that we are so loud. Loves colors and things related with it. Loves the curry and don’t mind calling pilgrimage a vacation. Loves answering the question about what Indian culture stands for and all the confusion related with it.
I just hope nxt year I have less questions to ask and more answers to give.


Unknown said...

Really liked this bolg, specially the line 'does my balance sheet have only liabilities and overdue loans? Or is there a silver lining'... keep it up dude.

Anonymous said...

How cum u got such a sadistic approach in your life..
if i ask u .."What is your contribution to India's growth"... Nothin... So plz dont cry ... get up and start...

There is a saying in Hindi..
'Kaamyaabi unhi ko mitli hai jinke sapno main jaan hoti hai,
Pankhon se kuch nahi hota, sirf hauslon main udaan hoti hai"

Anonymous said...

... Continued from previous post....



Ashwin said...

viakash malpani u arent suppose to say these things in public forum :)

Anjana said...

well...if u so insist on how good and nice life was 61 years back, just remember this, we were not born 61 years is it us who have made this city or for that matter country what it is today???? just want to make one point...take the blame and amend the one else will clean up your mess...All the question that u ve raised are the questions all of us need to ask ourselves, and then act on the answers without crying from the rooftop....Life was good 61 years back, more warmth, more honesty, no traffic jams et al...people who were responsible for that enjoyed that and went away in we are facing what we are responsible dont like it,get up and change it...