Sep 16, 2008

Whose WAR is it anyways….

It s said sometimes profound realizations happen at the most unexpected times. I would like to ask all a question. How well do we know our country? Well its turning out to be more patriotic blog off late but the definitions of being Indian sometimes surprises me.

I was sitting with my firang friends and sipping beer on the beach at Goa. And the casual banter was hovering from dusky Indian Women to sanctity of caste system…to international Politics ...even Anti Trust laws of America and revolutionaries and dictators of the world.

Then Out of the flier came a question that why had there been terror attacks in INDIA. What’s the objective of these terror attacks? What exactly these terror organizations wants to achieve after all.

Well are we as a country tolerant to a limit where it seizes to matter. Are we so used to of terrorism that it has blended in the Indian-ness that we longer bother about the objective of such attacks? We are not really America…the most hated country .we are neither at the brink of the civil war that you can call these terror attacks done by the revolutionaries. Then what’s the matter with us. Without such clearly laid objectives it’s just looks like some Kid is playing with bombs and in our nonchalance we are letting him.

The whole rationale of terror attacks has became so hollow that even if we try to attach it say with …freedom, jehad, revolution, oppression, just not fit any criteria.

So shall I sit down and see the cracker show killing innocent shoppers and kids or we need to stand up and say I love my country and will save it from any Mad man who wishes to ruin it.