Nov 30, 2008

Take your Pick

Mumbai`s Skyshot is one of my favourite sights.Some times more soothing then standing at gateaway of India and looking towards Taj. Or lets say whats remain of it.I had earlier written post by the Title : Who`s war is it anyway...I guess freash attacks have answered my questions.If not completely but has simplifid it to a resonable degree.Its very clear now..Take your Pick.Which of the photos of the country are more applealing to you.Coz the war is not for money nor for terror..Its for the PRIDE.
For they dont want acceptability..nor they want a different nation.who wants to manage things.They are the Mongolian Army of Medevial periods.Trained only in warcraft not in humanity.They need nothin neihter history nor culture.They are the looters they will just take your pride and march off. So dear Indus Valley Civilisation so what Chengez Khan spared you 500 years back...Survival is still as crucial ...those Mongol tormentors were called Ghosts of the East. And So is these freash blood of terrorists.20 somethings ready to attack in commndo type operation after minimum 5 years of Army training. So please drop legacy of Gandhi and Non-Alignment of Nehru now..nobody cares for your Buddist mannerism and axioms of humanity in the jungle.
Killing Animals is always better then teaching them Ahimsa.