Apr 8, 2008

Return of Insomnia

Is insomnia such a bad thing to happen to somebody. Its quite a introspecting question considering its 2 am and I am wide awake. No I don’t work in a call centre. Actually I am just employed on paper and don’t really work anywhere. But yes back on the subject. Good things about being awake: (everybody likes the bullet points u knw..)
  1. You have more time ..and time is money aint it.(So be happy you are a rich man by default)
  2. You know all the stray dogs of the street. (networking always helps..what u din heard abt dis statement !!!!!)
  3. You can read more trying to force yourself to sleep …(not that it helps but can show off like I do at times )
  4. You must have had coffee…(contribution to the GDP …raising the consumption index levels )
  5. State of thoughtlessness (couldn’t think any thing to add….I am experiencing thoughtless )


Raman Verma said...

hey dude, y is it that ur posts are published around 11:27 pm while u claim its 2am! may be the server is lying in a different country...give u the benefit of doubts ;)

Ashwin said...

dts coz i live in a net free house and need cybercafe support to project mi voice to entertain u all :)

hikmaah said...

i prefer chocolate over coffee, caffiene is a psychoactive stimulant drug.... the only plus point is that, u won't get parkinson's if u have more coffee... he but does it help if u are a schizophrenic??? lols