Jul 21, 2008

The Great MP Trade fair

Finally I have taken the responsibility and have decided to change the future of this great nation with the power of the youth. ( Well actually only to the blog not really in the hands literally!!!).

The information superhighway hasn’t gone really well with the democracy or you can say that democracy is actually a village with no limits either on the no. of people nor on the area. So the rights of a person in democracy actually keeps diminishing as percentage value of his share keeps falling with increasing net birth rate.

So in comes the MP`s and the trade fair. Tomorrow is government`s tryst with destiny. Though now all learned and educated know the nuances of the N-Deal and the aftermaths there had been on the government and the nation it does give away the right to bargain and quote the price to our kindhearted representatives in the parliament.

With news channels duly filled with minute by minute updates, and with trading being rampant and public it calls a need for a better and transparent system.

Suggestions for the improved system:

Product Details: Listing MP`s at the commodity exchange

· Government can secure its place by buying exotic futures/options at a reasonable price
· Transparent billing and money transfer system with mandatory PAN NO…(at present rate of 35 Cr-100 Cr per seat IT dept can make millions)
· Bed ridden MP`s needn’t be flown back to country at the extra public cost. They can sell their voting rights to a worthy bidder at the exchange.
· In the section of product history product differentiation for the better value can be done on the basis of past scams and volume of the scams and potential of future growth.
· Various parties if needed in extreme circumstance can take physical delivery of the product as product is non perishable and qualified to vehemently deny the incident even minutes after.

· Product can emit harmful radiations and can leave irreparable damage to moral fabric
· Internal programming of the product is corrupted and will never respond to the user manual conceptualized in the constitution

(more suggestions to make the model robust and fault proof are welcome…till then enjoi great Indian MP tradefair..)


Anonymous said...

I am not sure, if I understood this post completely (As I am not numbers guy), but one thing is sure, ashwin has been able to create a seriousness about the prevailing economic condition, providing a clear cut differenciations in advantages and disadvantages....good job guy....keep thinking :-)