Sep 30, 2007

mood swings..swings to where?

Highs and Lows and most of the times its just nothing which bugs me.I wish i could bend the countinnum of space and time.Could go back in time and be alexander or napoleon actually naked adam would also would be acceptable.But why is it that everbody wants to be somebody else.If every is somebody else then whoes somebody else? Les say if not history of time but if i could read minds.would know who`l ve crush on me :).but thn wonder what if theres is none..funny why we dont know what we want and why we want that.and even if we believe that we know it doesnt guarantee that it would satiate us and we wont feel the vacuum i dont think this mood swing is taking me anywhere

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deciphering Identity

If you can dream – and not make those dreams your master
If you think – and not make thoughts your aim
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue
Or walk with kings and not loose the common touch
If you can fill the unforgiving minute – with 60 seconds of distance run
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s

Sep 21, 2007

Opening Bell

I have been asked to write blog from a long time.though i wondered dt do i ve enuf masala in life to tell but then i guess i need not to be an exibitionist nd heck watever jst write so may i am doing it for my own good.Blogging is about opinions right or wrong but its abt the celebration of the feeling dt we can think freely i think its about figuring that we have free minds and free souls and yes we have a medium to abuse :).

Since its d first blog its gtta be about me dts called writers liberty or it can also be called monopoly.Well may be monopoly in life would be a little difficult but wdnt it be great if i cd dictate everythin.No early morning classes,no upma in breakfast,no reservation ..u can do- wear- speak watevr comes to ur mind.