Mar 31, 2009

End of B-102 | Fond memories

I have so far lived in 5 cities, have lived with relatives 3rice, and have friends across the country. I love travel and wouldn’t really mind virtually living out of a suitcase. But every time you move from 1 place to another it’s a same story. I am not emotional about the place at all really. I am not fond of going back and checking new construction in my old school`s building nor have I ever visited my college again. But parting with people is a tough call. I know its not really parting as such coz we all still work in a same organization but few things changes for sure.
I am not really the list maker types so but then fond memories nonetheless. The appended list does not follow any preference order but then I am sure all involved know the importance of the same.

  •    The Omlette adventure by the dearest maid, Rasmalai n Khichdi by Shekhu N Papad sabji by sardar. Also the whole day chicken making marathons, kulfi`s n zaphrani pulao`s and adrak chai by dakoter. and yeah how can I ever forget muesli  !!!!
  •   5 Day cricket matches, T20 and their reruns, and Gulu`s commentary mixing Presentation ceremony and Contraceptive pill ad.
  • The day-light baddy, and no light Baddy, 1nce in a month gym sessions, my 5 day wannabe swimmer program.
  • The every morning Dev D, and the every party Chamkeela and the World famous in Mumbai “ The Chepo-Orchestra n Dance company”.
  • The window with washed clothes, the chair with unwashed clothes, the sofa with some clothes, the bags on the floor with un-wearable clothes and we still couldn’t ever close the almirah.
  • Sukhad`s inspiring speeches, and unanimous choir for company bashing. And our shopping plans from Brazil, South Africa, UAE and Egypt. Thanks South Africa for the Glen Fiddish and Egypt for Irish Cream though

Guys pls add more. I am sure I haven’t included all and this isn’t really a public post I believe.

Mar 20, 2009

Application for the post of Spouse

Name: Ashwin Jain
Address: Right now live on a platform. Reasonably nomadic in nature (sometimes unreasonably too). Will peacefully adjust in a tree house also though. Have stayed most of the adult years in Hostel and is extremely comfortable with dirt and dust.
DOB: versatile, with small adjustments in beard n haircut have potential to look between 19 to 27
Work Experience: Yes and No, considering I am an MBA and part of strategy group, I am well versed in giving customized answers. You can pick whichever suits your taste. (Take guarantee to defend it with conviction)
Projects Undertaken:
Couple of Projects undertaken but there are no documented deliverables. Was given PPO (Pre Placement Offer) on the basis of level of commitment but refused due to overlapping timelines.
(Have so far believed in faster and efficient operations. Most of the projects were completed within a year. Few in less than 3 months too.)
Educational Qualification:

  •  Can hold conversation ranging from pharmaceuticals, banking, actuarial, in flight simulation to rocket science.
  •  Knows the difference between varieties of stem of wine glasses
  •  Knows Salsa, Tango, Ball room dancing can also dance in a barat with equal ease.
  •  Knows how to use Chopsticks, Knife and fork.
  •  Knows how to say sorry and thank-you (the two most important words in any relationship)in 5 international Languages.

Soft Skills:
Brown hair, Brown eyes, white teeth, no acne, no dandruff
Additional Information:
Have received various utility information from the colleagues during the past projects. Have evolved listning skills and under developed ego.
PS: interested recruiters kindly drop in with their suggestive remuneration.

Mar 17, 2009

When tomorrow comes

I think procrastination is a disease. Or if not chronic then at least a viral infection which stays with you  till some other overwhelming force overtakes it. Remember those times when you have thought…we can do this filing tomorrow, or let’s do the paper work tomorrow, math practice postponed till tomorrow.
Like tomorrow some fairy will come down on earth and will swing her magic wand. Or will tweak her nose and bewitch the world. Like the homework will be done by itself, Car will be on auto driver, weather would always be pleasant with snowflakes pouring down in the desert.
But alas in real life you don’t fly on carpets. You still have to take the roads or what are remains of it. So like when I say I will write the SOP tomorrow. Nothing changes its still me hitting my head with the project. There won’t be any magic wand to complete a fancy Business process reengineering for me.
But I will still put it off for tomorrow.
May be tomorrow I would be well slept, more caffeinated, more motivated in work even if I am not then still its tomorrow.

Mar 10, 2009


Getting up with the sound of flute next to a river bed
Being at the terrace and all you can see is clouds, hills and never ending vineyards
Biking across the city in the middle of the night and that too thunderbird
First color you see out of window is green and no noise

Small priceless moments in Nasik;
For everything else there’s Mumbai

Mar 5, 2009

Life in an “Auto”

Sometimes we get so used to of the daily life that we forget the small-small things happening all around you. Thanks to recession and general boringness of my life which is marked by acute shortage of passion I am more so oblivious to the changing environment.
But then need is the mother of all “Invention” (actually kind of drunk women getting banged and by the time she got up the man was gone…as till now we don’t know who was the father of “Invention”) So yours truly decided amidst the bankruptcy of ideas/new topics for the post to make a conscious effort to do some random observation so as to generate the random listings for your random amusement.

  • Economical Rickshaw driver… (I think the meter was defected and probably he dint knew about it: P...)
  • More KKR`s Deshdrohi posters still on the BEST buses…( I think he traded guts with brains with God…fair choice)(observed from inside the auto in a traffic jam with Gracy Singh fat face staring right across)
  • Mercedes C Class getting towed (Mumbai police is indifferent …who would disagree now..temme)
  • The Pink Phone Guy… He was sitting cross-legged having a fluorescent Pink phone. Hmmmmm
  • Mr. Clean Mumbai: The rickshaw-wala scolded poor peasants on spitting on the road. Shouted for making roads a municipal pit. And then joined the club of “fun-in-spitting-on-the-road “ in exactly 60 seconds
  • The Schumacher`s distant cousin: I have a certain respect for this guy coz he had amazing disrespect for the lane driving. Fastest, riskiest and scariest ever.

PS: please add more interesting auto stories..I am sure all of us ve got few :)