For whatever it may seem,called,smell and feels like.Voices..noices..escapades and escapes.
In the cyberspace or say in the blogging world Valentine day is an event like New year or mumbai blasts or economic meltdown…which means its imperative to write about it. Because every blogger does .And if you do not then you kinda ve missed the bus. So what are you doing thins valentine???
I am slightly confused here. Had I belong to Shri Rame sena then I could have stormed into the pub and prove my machismo on some drunk women. Had I been a part of MNS then I could have vandalized the city and been proud of it. But unfortunately I belong to the adulterated Indian culture and don’t have genes of pure hindutva.
Recap: Last Valentine: I dint had a date
Re-Recap: prior to that : I didn’t had a date either (Actually I did bt couldn’t make it and she hadn’t seen me since…well dts understandable I guess)
Re-Re-Recap: Oh I have never been on a date especially on the valentine except once in college. Both me and her calls each other valentines and have changed some half a dozen partner since then respectively.
Since it’s a mush time and louve is in the air lets do a performance appraisal of the relationships I have managed to fallout within a year:
(Names changed so that they do not identify each other)
The Random Girl: The whole thing was truly random. The random talks, the laps of shame, arbit nonsense and gradual realization that drunk phone calls is all its worth. So since drunk phone calls are expensive and inflict lot of guilt next day I guess we are better off away. Take care You.
The You Me and the Sea Girl: The walks by the sea side were good. The serene lake n deserted lost sea shore was electric. So how it ended? Well I don’t really know how it started…so…But you always knew I was a wrong choice. Hope yours this year`s resolutions covers the point of not repeating mistakes..And there’s absolutely no need to say things you regret later. I always think highly of you. Happy Valentines anyways
The CKaneda Girl: I adored you. And I always thought your world has a place for me. But alas I guess I was wrong. I don’t and can’t live in a dream world. And for you my world is too practical and ugly. Fair enough. This time I atlest know that all fault is not mine. Hope your world keeps you happy and away from dirty realities of life.
The Cheesy Girlfriend: After years of complaining that I haven’t written anything about you. Here it is honey. I am sure you don’t want to be part of the list but trust me its no list. I was blind to you. For all those years of waiting. For all those years of trusting that it will never workout and now aftr validating that it hasn’t. So is love enough to live through the life …may be not. Is money the answer…I don’t really know. But the complications are hilarious to say the least. But then we weren’t ever the couple. There was always a crowd and you were no where to be seen. Just timely reminders each time that you would be waiting. Sure thats enough to live the life but the hope is fainting now. We ve reached the heights of mistiming. Time taken to be sure and time taken to be unsure. Wishing that the few seconds shared together will bind us for the year and year after that and year after that. I never believed that but then I am usually incorrect as you saw in the post earlier.
So now you know more than you should have. And after so much insistence I am sure you are reading this. Don’t pamper me so much that leaving becomes difficult. I am getting used to you and that isn’t a good thing either.
(Sorry for such a personal post the oder followers of the blog ..of course that’s if you are still there…but then it’s a mush day isn’t it…promise it was last in the series of senti posts. I feel lighter now)