Well considering it’s a forced post it’s really not about me.
I am amazed, somewhat motivated and extremely delighted to be a part of the Great committee and extremely grateful to be a part of esteemed company. On the historic day of Friday the 7th Feb. The committee we formulated a party worthy of revolution. The small step by Individual will turn out to be a big leap for mankind in the future.
Ok enough of Small talk
So I witness the Launch of: PPSD (Pizza Planning and Sourcing Department)
Vice President: Abhishek Sharma
GM (Non Veg) : Gaurav Sinha
GM (Veg) : Sukhad Juneja (upgraded from Retainer position due to exponential growth and future potential)
EA (Veg) to VP : Rajat Sharma
Corporate Communications: yours truly
To show motivation in sourcing and eating ONLY Pizza Hut Pizza`s every Friday in lunch. (If also had in dinner will be facilitated by the group and will be honored as star performer for the week)
Under discussion with management: Performance appraisal system
Short Term Agenda: find and proselytize the followers to the sinful chicken Pizza or extremely unhealthy Punjabi Amritsar Paneer and reach to a critical mass (the no. not the weight) at the earliest. Critical mass numbers agenda will be taken care by critical issues division which will be decided on critical basis of course considering it’s indeed a critical matter.
PS: Certain issues discussed in the founding charter have not been published due to Abu#ive language.
For all the readers (If there are any left) kindly drop in the suggestions to make the organization higher stronger: AMEN
Finally a post!!! high time...
but congrats on ur acceptance into the committee.., though the very sight of you may drive away potential members (let's face it, u aint exctly the face of well nourished, fattened pigs who subscribe to food committees)... BUT WISH U ALL THE VERY BEST! keep the corpcomm jhanda lofty and proud
"AWESOME"..... You guys are just so kewlll..... I wish i wud hav been working wid ur company... n would have loved to attend these cute meetings in CRIB CENTRE...
This is all just so "OUT OF THE BOX"......
Miss all this fun man...
Nevertheless...if u need any help in designing PMS... I can help u ... n free of cost for this noble cause...
Take care ! My best wishes...
Cheers !!
i totally agree with Tejal here..
@ Tejal, you are more than welcome to join this committee..
feels good that some ppl still want to be in GPL.. Had been long since i met such innocent people..
Just a word of caution, the aftereffects of one friday PPSD meeting might be similar to the New year party.. ;P
@ Shimonti : Gaurav & I compensate for this poor souls lack of adipose layer in a big way.. :)
Great step towards honouring our Pizza Champs - Abhishek & Gaurav. I also want to become a part of this committee for a small role of supervising...lolz
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