Sep 8, 2009

Blogging breaks and its fallouts

Long long time ago, and a still remember I used to blog every day.
Yesterday commuting back to home on a god forsaken bus on a god forsaken road I had a realization. Have you ever thought why in the 80`s movies the writers used to go to the hill stations to write, why they would rent a hut on the beach and write.
History is witness to the fact that no literary masterpiece has ever been written hearing the glaring horns of the heavy traffic. I don’t think Milton would have been able to write paradise lost being stuck in traffic in Mumbai rains.
The more you go away from regular flow of creative juices the more they became difficult to come by. It’s been difficult month. Enough things to keep me busy, enough things to ponder and no time to write.
So these days I have been just tweeting. Morning-evening and couple of times in the day. I used to be the types who thought micro blogging is a short term joke and will fade away soon but now after using it for a while I think twitter is equally potent as the blogger. At the end of the day it’s more about the information and opinion.
So pls follow me at Twitter till I dig deep and find more interesting post ideas. Amen.


Nefertiti said...

will miss u...

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