Oct 18, 2007

Naked Ape – Revised

Have you ever wondered what are Earlobes for ?..I have wondered. I am actually quite wondering kinds J. But its quite intriguing question since Desmond Morris asked first in his book “Naked Ape” .Earlobes do not assist in hearing ..neither they amplify the noises you hear .So what is its nature ,characteristic or destiny. I like these questions without answers .Question no. 2 ..will thy disappear if evolution follows the natural course of atrophy. People will look really funny without them. And if I have allergy with lenses thn where will I park my specks..:)I am hoping technology will evolve to an extent that the specs wont be required. Interestingly eve teasing will became dangerous if one can not wear goggles. Probability of getting caught will be close to 1.All the men or say most of them will have to stay content at looking only one prototype of fairer sex. Polygamy and adultery would be extremely difficult to practice. But large no of female category would be vulnerable to suicide as dark circles and wrinkles would be visible. Signs of ageing would be clearer ..botox sale will be go up and all dis due for the useless earlobes. Mr. Morris are you listening.


Nefertiti said...

hey nice blog... as madcap as u r :)

Anonymous said...

NIce connections explored and discussed....a paradigm of strange thinking