Oct 9, 2007

Rainbow Emotions

One upon a time in neverland. The mind thinks coz it does not know wat else to do so it thought. what are emotions and why are they there at the first place. Though I believe that they have been invented for some higher meaning in the evolution of civilization.
But irony will be called the “Science of emotions”. Emotions do not understand any theory, rationale and none of it can be validated by experiments. They are too uncertain and inconsistent for results to be acknowledged.
So what are their scope, vision and mission for existence? Their presence is usually corresponding to the event in life but they can manage without any comprehending logic also. Their vision gets blurred and gets mixed with near and present materialistic gains. So we are left with mission of the product which by definition depends on the motion or mobility of the thought process. So if we chart out the mission it will include only the random color streaks on the canvas.
Rainbow color streaks which splash and inspire. which look nice and cute. But may be end of the day ..meaningless


Clinton Rozario said...

Emotions are the reaction of the meuropathic connections to a cocktail mix of hormones and the reactions they have on the body's metabolic system. They can be also alert signals for a dangerous situation that the conglomerate of a zillion cells we call body does not wish to be part of. They might be meaningless, but they are what kept us from the jaws of the preimitive creatures and propelled us to the apex of the food chain.