Nov 12, 2007

Age and Wisdom.

My affection with evolution is quite a funny affair. I don’t like much biology I prefer chemistry more than bio quite obviously. Ok whatever that’s not what I am talking about today. The question here arises - is wisdom tooth is related with any wisdom. Scientifically speaking - NO..Ok I wont ask why it is there at the first place. Then what’s this thing about the belief that Age brings wisdom. Had that been true so many things in the life would have been easier?
Age is more important than a silly word. But most of the times it makes people uneasy. Younger ones want to get older...and older ones try to act younger. So far its ok but than people neither feel older nor they wish to feel younger they just wish to pretend. They long to be respected thinking age can buy respect. To some extent it is true in our country. Respect can be bought by putting age as an alibi.
Pretending wisdom is more dangerous than anything else coz it blocks the way from where you can get any help. It barricades any scope of outside help as it says that I know all and can do all without running the scandisk or self-check. And further worse Age says that with passing time It has harnessed more wisdom or you can call it more pretence. So it just glamorizes the whole pretension episode and people can flaunt the wisdom calling it Age-earned