Nov 24, 2009

Why so serious

Iterating the lines of legendry Joker of the dark knight fame I believe that we have improved when it comes to sense of humor. It’s no longer the type of country with almost no collective sense of humour. Now we take steps to ensure the humor keeps coming and also we have the knack of finding humor in the most unexpected territories.
Like just yesterday one who not to be named Angry (very very angry) Young (superstars are always young.ref: amitabh in nishabd) Man said that Sachin hasn’t played for Maharashtra but only played for India. Which I agree it’s a very valid point. Instead of going to disgusting places like Durban, Perth or Wellington he should have stayed in Vashi and played in D Y patil stadium only representing Maharashtra. He should have made 100000 runs for the soil of Mumbai and spirit of Marathi manoos.
And worse he hasn’t helped his friend some dude called Vinod Kambli.(Vinod who!!!) the same guy who is a failed dancing sensation, failed reality TV star and sometimes also qualified as failed politician and failed cricketer .But then despite having a failed marriage too he is a  true Marathi he never played for any other place. In fact when he started playing for India he couldn’t take the pressure of the guilt and comeback running to serve his state. And Sachin you selfish prick shame on you.

Sach (in ) ka Saamna : season 2 , Couldn’t have been more apt