Feb 13, 2008

Still caught up with “why`s” in life

Well off-late I have done some “general reading” which in other words called blog snooping. To be frank I was not an advocate of personal blogs.I always thought writing for public domain has to have a purpose and reason. I still believe in that purpose and reason part but enumeration of the personal life can help in keeping the head clear and keep it uncomplicated.

So I guess my further posts will be more personalized and less arbit. Its better to write about the things which matter rather than discussing about love troubles of Sarkozy or substance abuse by Britney Spears. Frankly since they don’t affect my life one bit so I guess it makes more sense in writing about what does.

“why MBA” :- this “why” from life is over. Today is the last day of the so called MBA grind. Frankly last 2 months had really been a resort than anything else. Whateva.. I couldn’t find the rationale to why MBA but I guess post placements I dint really bother also.
“why this place has Notions”
The so called infotech campus of the esteemed symbiosis clan…. funnily people at this B-school have amazing notions. Before anybody reads further in this let me tell you its got the most developed grapevine information transfers ever possible.
So thanks to such advanced technology in place everyday new discoveries about who is seein whom and who is trying on who is what we get to hear. We can make news in a fashion which can put India TV to shame.