Jan 6, 2009

Rendering Dull and Dumb

As it is said. By the visionaries and thinkers of course. I am not qualified to say big words, wisdom words or any words. When you start working it called a beginning of a new life. New challenges and new means of building the life brick by brick.
So here it is me counting those bricks. Well mostly to hit on my head. Starting the working life I have realized, the transformation didn’t really happened on the expected lines. Considering the recruitment policy topped with I also live with fellow Mt`s hasn’t really helped in keeping the IQ level high.
In this processs of self discovery we crossed new lows of shabby wit and toilet humor. stretched new limits of time management and oder management. Its kinda summary of wasted life and keeping incredible level of motivation amongst the turbulent times.
I guess when God coined the cliché that he doesn’t rain he pours he didn’t calculated the probability metrics properly. He never thought sometimes whole universe conspires against you (Paul Coelho in Alchemist)(yes I have read these books hw else you win friends and influence people huh…tell me).
So in the incredible coincidence of unfortunate events. We the brightest of our lands..(of course our Mom`s validated) came to the big city in the hope to conquer the world and bring glory to our feet, make the mark on each street and will never retreat.
We shall stick our gut (or tongue) out.will fight the system which is pushing to make us dumb. And dull our spirits.(Now spirits is a topic with wider repercussions..but later).As some Mr Bodhi Tree said…
And I want our paths to cross
Kyunki!!! Sabka katega