Jul 30, 2008

Funny Huh!!!

This small word can have multitude of repercussions. In the unforeseen circumstance and amazing turn of events we understood not only the ramifications but also the dark side or rather pale yellow side of funny!!!.
As the some sage who wishes to be referred as old monk has said. Sing songs ..curse the world do whatever you feel but never think that world has changed. All this while when you have been sitting on the high nothing really changes.
So as the story of the word goes. We reached a moral deadlock and it was WAR. Battle of ideas..ideology..(Singh is king playing in the background).. reins stretched..War attire went flyin.
Desprate times needed desperate measures hence weapons of mass destruction were employed and unleashed. Finally the brahmastra of the heavy artillery was used. The 7 day old spl Andhra sambhar. with extra chilli was splashed at each other..with added dressing of Dal ,palak and achaar.

Prelude: I just said "funny" to Sukhad `s some extremely sick jokes
Aftermath: need shampooing 3 times
Sufferer : All this happened on Srikanth`s mattress..after all he made dt sambhar we ate for 6 days and was deceased after such violent death.
Sambhar at 102 sakivihar is dead forever. Long live sambhar
Funny Huh!!!!


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