Sep 5, 2008

More Blah

Blogging is like a habit..or sorta addiction .Portrayal of the emotions in public or washing ur dirty laundry in open and being quite cool about it. And most of the times these topics have no purpose and essentially nt much of substance.

Its like oceans of words about nothingness. Life stories…weekend stories..some are just stories .like there had been so many stories to inspire you and would miss something in life if you don’t stay updated with them .actually the objective is never about knowledge enhancement I guess .It’s just about let going first things coming to mind and being a showoff by putting it at a place which is publicly accessible.

Actually its jus cool to think yourself a writer. Act as a writer and feel like a writer. Coz at the end of the day we all know there’s no glamour in actually being the writer. So the euphemistic view is being the blogger. X-: ).

So I shall use the Google given medium to reduce the internal conflicts of life, reduce the anxiety and propagate free thought.

Disclaimer: Inconvenience caused is deeply regretted. Trust me...deeply.