Sep 5, 2008

Word about Faith and Religion

I belong to Jainism. Well mostly it’s difficult to say if I belong anywhere coz I have that nomad spirit in the head but all said and done Jainism is my birth religion.

There are things like acquired faiths and cults. I have attended Buddhist prayers, Sehej Yog shivirs but I am still with Jainism. Coming from a family which follows 3 religions I am absurdly unreligious.
I don’t call music my religion nor I am a atheist. I hate theology so what does belonging to a religious sect means to me. The post is not about sociology and needs of belonging to the cult or to say connect to the higher power. I guess I am not even qualified to answer that.
For me the gr8 Jainy Fast was actually more symbolic rather than religious.

12 years in type 1 diabetes...36 hrs without food and without water means a lot to me. It reinforces the fact that u can force the body to do anything if you are at peace with your head. Even if it means planning each drop of insulin and motion study to save every ounce of energy. I did 4 hrs of puja which is more than my cumulative total for the year. I did all the rituals and practices like I have been doing them from ages. And to survive with the shrunken intestine and churning stomach for 2 nights and a day can definitely make you feel the triviality of the temptations. Its an whole experience when you go through various emotions in 1 single day. Sometimes surprising oneself is very satisfying.
Coming back to the travesty of the Birth religion I do sometimes wonder even if we don’t follow the faith ardently we still end up reflecting the traits of the faith. It looks so designed and dt too so aptly that you wonder had it could be any different. May be at the end of the day its only about what you can achieve with faith and trust in God.
But ya for now only one step at a time.


Anonymous said...

Dude its easier said than done....or gone thru.....

easy are the words which makes u slither thru text searching for the interesting anecdotes and situations...( at times u end up appreciating the language or expression,though literary )....but tough is the situation which only u can understood.....

Ashwin said...

I actually feel that religion is the most felxible and rigid thing.Being both at the same time..makes it a waste and necessity.You achieve anything with it..but still wont start achieving anything without it