Sep 25, 2008

Like your life depends on it kinda stuff

Ve ya tried doing stuff just for the heck of it and next thing you knw that it just mite help in saving your life in future. I mean would you learn driving differently if you know u would be a truck driver in future. Or say a Best driver or blue line bus driver. Or what will go thru your mind while learning how to swim if you know that it can save your life in case of a plane crash in the ocean.

Like learning a foreign language and it mite save you from getting mugged abroad. or skimming through an article which later in future will help you in clinching a deal and saving self from pink slip.

Most of the times we don’t really care about the consequences when we are learning anything new say for knowledge sake. n it happens to save our lives or oder ppl`s lives. And when dis happns I jus wonder in laugh back thinking whether I could ve dne nethin diffrntly.

Its a funny question to answer coz mostly we do stuff only wid as much interest. I just only wish for wat all I ve learned I may use it sometime in life.I hate wasting Talent 