Aug 18, 2008

Another dig at Independence

Well I got more than prompt replies on my earlier post on independence. With Vikash being downright angry. But no kidding he`s got a point. I mean what we have done to ensure the taken for granted Independence.

There were Independence Day celebrations at the work place. Skits and dances...more of cultural zig-zag. Well it was kinda cute but one thing which struck me was…

Why whenever we talk of Independence it’s always nostalgic. Those Old songs whose records are also not available anymore. Same old condolences to the soul of Gandhiji and lamenting to the tragedy what democracy and freedom has became. Some 85% people in a national daily`s poll believed that we have too much freedom. Freedom to park anywhere...freedom to horn anywhere...freedom to be politician so that we can commit a crime and get away…freedom to shirk away from public responsibility and blame it to the system. Freedom for the system to blame everything to the population...freedom to the population to blame it to the GOD.

And GOD is anything but Free. The poor guy is so fragmented in this country that he must have forgotten his true identity. People are willing to fight for GOD. Willing to fight for the road to the shrine…willing to fight for anything remotely associated with GOD. But is violence associated with GOD?

My whole point is it all sound cultural but let’s not care for the dead. Let’s care for the living and for those who are going to live after us. It does sounds like MJ`s song saying let’s make this world a better place but then where are our new age HEROES. You won`t find them in Bigg Boss right? Let’s get our hands dirty. Try something new. Start with 1 good deed a day or may be not doing anything against the nation today. It may be anything…just about anything ..atlest get started..who knows some day we might be able to make difference in people`s lives other than ours.


Vishal Shah said...

truly agree to your views... instead do something for our future well-being....

Anjana said...

well....i agre with u on the fragmentation of GOD in India...rather in free India...and at times situation seems really hopeless, as i have known and interacted with a lot of educated people who refuse to put their nationality above their religion and sometimes region as well...and they are supportive of the extremist ways of these religious fanatics....and frankly, when even education has not helped them to see and differentiate between rights and wrongs, i wonder what will....the feeling is scary coz i realise that it is not the naive common man that is being misled by the politician, but aware citizens who know what they are doing...and doing wrong...!!!!!!!!