Aug 22, 2008

Long Live the “Moment”

Once upon a time…well not really in the picturesque Alps. But at our indigenous Bandra there was this Moment. It had come unannounced. Nobody knew why and what would be its life but then it was like the Mumbai rain...nobody can predict.

The genre of Moment is usually ephemeral but this one was special. It stayed. May be it had different destiny or may be it had some reason to accomplish. I don’t know I am not the omnipotent .I am just the narrator. So my job is to keep my eyes open for the moment to arrive.
So anyway we are still at the moment. It was again at the sea face and then again at Mudhgao.

It’s nice beautiful and hallucinatory. It makes world look flat and Sea charming.
Too much brain can kill the Moment. And a STORY can’t keep the moment anyways. So what shall it do because living is nice and it does wants to live long enough to be counted?

It’s naïve. All moments do get counted so would this one. Not really like the rest of them coz of course this is special. Or maybe that’s what I feel.

Long live the moment


Nefertiti said...

hmmmm.... a kodak moment indeed! there are three witnesses: u, me and the sea! the sea will hold on to it forever.