Aug 14, 2008

Career Counseling

After being an unsuccessful book critic with my last post I have became unsuccessful film critic too. So now my list of trying my hand at various career options has got longer.

For those who have just tuned in...i have tried:

Singer – everybody does ...but in my times these reality shows weren’t there so the talent got frittered.

Architect – (yeah like “Ted the Architect” from how I met your mother)

Painter- I still think it was a good idea. But I could not fit in the traditional definition of Art and my abstractions had trouble explaining themselves. I still do it though like once in a decade

Author- once upon a time I used to be a very serious individual with profound thought. Then I discovered that it is so much fun being shallow… so the author dream I let pass

Footballer- it’s got glam, It’s got the brawn, It’s got the money (see ur day dreaming then u must dream about EPL only right)...the only think lacking was the TALENT

Public Speaker- I will became some day. Actually wd have preferred to be a Diplomat but then Indian Administrative services…if I could study so much I would have became scientist and secured a Nobel

Banker – It says once a banker its banker for life. So unfortunately I have worked in a bank for 2 proud years of my life. And I made a decision never a bank a bank again. Banking system is like high rising inflation. Once you get stuck with it your present value keeps diminishing.

Credit Card Analyst –Once you work in this industry u wouldn’t want a card in your life time and will advice all your friends against it too. Just kidding but it was dumber than banking .Not for me.

Wild Life Photography- It’s a lot of fun but it meant roaming around in jungles with only the swanky SLR. I was seriously interested in it. But was seriously short of TALENT

Travel Expert – For those who have read the “Moscow Diaries” can vouch that I can do a decent job with it. Might join Discovery “Travel and living” some time in future.

Finance Executive: Yeah ..boring but true. Gotta do something for living right

-So here I am Blogger without any specified ambitions and plans and hypothesis.

Careers I am still hopeful for:

Fashion Photographer
Tarot Reader
Masseur at the beach
Graffiti Artist
Professional Kayaking

----ne bdy got more interesting idea can contribute.

Don bother about the skill set and personality type that is a very fluid concept in my case 


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

You can also try your luck at 'babe watching', crash course on how to create an intelligent conversation on the first date or something on those lines. I am actually surprised how come there's nothing related to the girls!!

Unknown said...

How come there's no poetry???

Anjana said...

Masseur at the dat sounds interesting..considering you are going to brazil, this may just come handy....hehheheee

Unknown said...

I guess you got ispired by the pretty ones getting massaged in the beaches of goa by these stupid and dumb looking masseurs.

You would definitely do good there and ya its much better than just babe watching.
Way 2 go pal!

Ashish Rathi said...

you have still missed out some sure shot career paths...

1. Walker

2. Wine taster

Anonymous said...

People should read this.