Aug 6, 2008

Eu não falo Portuguese

Be like a child. Be like a child. My language teacher kept telling me for some umpteen times. That is how you learn about new languages. You should be inquisitive…You should be asking...pushing…blabbering.

After all what is a language…It’s just a medium of expression. To be loud and heard, to project your thoughts and be vociferous of your demands. You need to know the language.
Then there is a thing called foreign language. Which we Indians are lapping it up to make true the dream of global Indian takeover. I mean all this is nice, sweet and ambitious but foreign language is not so simple.
Interesting thing about foreign language is that it’s not just the language. It’s also the culture and tongue. The salutations and codes of decency gets redefined. The obligations and how to react to different sensitivity is a challenge in itself. With all these complications you should be like a child… jumpy and lively. Asking questions without being embarrassed. Truly hard work.
My Portuguese isn’t making any progress. Why can’t we all talk in sign language? Isn’t humanity is same everywhere.



=index($evrything under the sun$,match(AshwinJain,$BhakarchodiList$,0),Smiles)